New Cromwell
My project focuses on rebuilding Cromwell, a city devastated by a major fire. New Cromwell will be constructed to rehouse local residents and attract new people to the area. As Architects, Graphic Designers, and Craft Designers, our goal is to create a revitalised city with new branding, shops, accommodation, and more.
My role as a Graphic Designer primarily involves creating a logo and slogan for the city. My project includes a series of posters to promote the city for the Tourist Information Board, a mock-up of the city’s welcome sign, designing the front cover of a tourist guide, crafting an advertisement for a photography exhibition at the Cultural Centre, and designing a 3D sculpture incorporating the logo for the Town Hall Square.
This project has given me the chance to collaborate with other makers and to develop a unique branding for New Cromwell, one which looks at the heritage of the area but also to the future.
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